What can I do to reduce my risk of cervical cancer?

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Cervical Cancer
  • See your doctor regularly for a Pap and/or HPV test.

  • Follow up with your doctor if your cervical cancer screening test results are not normal.

  • Get the HPV vaccine. It protects against the types of HPV that most often cause cervical, vagina, and vulvar cancers. Protection against HPV infection lasts for 6 to 8 years. Vaccination is available for girls and women ages 9 to 26.

  • Changing lifestyle or eating habits.

  • Don’t smoke. 

  • Practice safe sex. Using a condom, having fewer sexual partners and delaying intercourse may reduce your risk.

Date Published

Scale Your Core Workout with These 4 Plank Variations

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If you want to work on your core, planks are great options because they’re effective and when done right, they hit other body parts too, not only your core—like your back, your shoulders, your chest, and even your glutes

When core workouts come to mind, many people think of only the front part of the abdomen only which turns into the much-desired six pack. But your core muscles actually include other muscles such as the transversus abdominis, which are muscles that wrap around the spine area and pelvis, supporting the lower back, the rectus abdominis, which are muscles at the front that support the spine and keep your organs in place, and the obliques, which provide support for rotational movements and other kinds of range of motion. When you do planks, you activate all these muscles. This is why planks are very useful and effective. So if you want to work on strengthening your core, incorporating planks into your exercise routine will help a lot!

But why is it important to strengthen your core? If you have a strong core, you will have an easier time doing all kinds of activities. For example, it’s easier to pick up something from the floor and reach out for something at the top shelf with a strong core. For mothers who have young children or toddlers, a strong core will lessen back pain caused by carrying kids. Your core connects and supports your upper body and lower body, so it’s part and parcel of every movement you make.

If your body is well supported with a strong core, you can prevent injuries because a strong core will improve your balance and stability. Think of it this way, you won’t easily get thrown off balance by uneven ground and you will find it easier to move without wobbling here and there.

Core muscles help maintain good posture, too. When you develop your core muscles you improve the way you carry your body. If you’ve been slouching, strengthening your core will help you straighten your body, which is also less stressful on our back in the long run. Overall, having a strong core will help you go about your daily life with more comfort, efficiency, and safety for injury.

If you’re a beginner, you can start with just trying to hold a high plank for at least 30 seconds. Try to keep your body as straight as possible by pushing your shoulders down, spreading your shoulder blades apart, tucking in your belly and finally, activated your butt. Then once you get stronger, you will find yourself holding a plank for up to one minute or more! After you reach this point, what else can you do to challenge yourself a little more?

There are several ways to make your planks more challenging. As a start, you can add simple movements first, then move on to more advanced options. To help you out, here are easy variations that you can try if you want to scale your plank workouts.

(1)  Planks with Front Arm Raises

Planks with Front Arm Raises

From a high plank position, raise your right arm up in front of you and hold it for three seconds. Put your right arm down back and repeat the same movement with your left arm.

(2) Planks with Shoulder Taps

Planks with Shoulder Taps

Get into a high plank position. Tap your left shoulder with your right arm then place your right arm back on the floor. Repeat the movement with your left arm.

(3) Planks with Leg Raises

Planks with Leg Raises

Once again, start in a high plank position. Lift your right leg up—about 3 inches away from the floor. Hold the position for one second then place it back down. Repeat this movement with your left leg.

(4) Planks with Side-to-Side Toe Touches

Planks with Side-to-Side Toe Touches

From a high plank position, move your right leg to the side and gently tap the floor then place your foot back to where it was. Repeat this movement with your left foot.

Do each movement 10 times.

When you try these moves out, make sure to keep your belly in and your midsection tight at all times. Avoid swaying from side to side when transferring your weight. Instead, keep your body as steady as possible and try to perform each movement with control—don’t rush! Don’t forget to breathe, too. Keep a steady breath through each movement, inhaling when you’re in the plank position, and exhaling when you exert effort on the variations.

Try these four new plank variations now. Hopefully this article inspires you to continue staying fit and #quarantoned at home.

For any Physical therapy & rehabilitation Services call our Clinic contact number or email via customer.care@keralty.com.ph or drop by any of our clinics today.

  • Keralty Festival - Monday to Sunday 7:00AM - 6:00PM (0908-698-8286)
  • Keralty San Lazaro (TopHealth) - Monday to Sunday 9:00AM - 7:00PM (0953-377-1587)
  • Keralty Megamall (MegaClinic) -Monday to Sunday 8:00AM - 6:00PM (0917-399-8972)
Date Published

6 Benefits of Plastic Surgery

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Plastic Surgery

Throughout the years, people have become more and more aware and appreciative of the benefits of Plastic Surgery. The once a taboo topic in a very conservative cultural setting is now a popular go-to for those who seek to enhance their physical appearance and break away from the stigma of perceived imperfection.

But did you know that there is more to plastic surgery?

Plastic Surgery is a form of medical practice that deals with any concern relating to the face or body. It includes both, “Cosmetic” or “Aesthetic” surgery and Reconstructive Surgery. What is the difference between the two? Cosmetic Surgery, which is interchangeably called Aesthetic Surgery, pertains to a specialized practice under Plastic Surgery mainly related to procedures that help improve one’s appearance. If you’re a fan of Korean pop culture, you probably already know that Cosmetic Surgery is very, very popular among the youth. They have a very defined standard of beauty, so any perceived imperfection is solved with the help of Cosmetic Surgery.

On the other hand, Reconstructive Surgery attempts to restore parts of the face or body, which have been deformed due to birth defects, disease, or accidents, to a more “normal” or acceptable form. An example of a birth deformity that is solved by Reconstructive Surgery is a cleft lip of palette. 

Cleft Palette

No doubt, Plastic Surgery boosts self-confidence and can ultimately improve your personal and professional life. But aside from that, did you know that Plastic Surgery can benefit you in so many other ways?

Here are 6 other benefits of plastic surgery that you may not be aware of.

  1. Improved Mental Health

Because Plastic Surgery helps boost self-esteem, it does wonders to one’s mental health, too. It alleviates feelings of self-doubt, renewing a person’s emotional and mental state exponentially.

  1. Drive for a Healthier Lifestyle

If you feel a new sense of confidence, won’t you strive to improve your quality of life after undergoing plastic surgery? Patients usually want to maintain or even improve their overall look by shifting to a more healthy way of life. This includes eating better and incorporating exercise to their daily routine.

  1. Relief from Back, Neck, and Shoulder Pain

Women with overly large breasts and smaller frames commonly suffer from chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain. Plastic surgery provides instant relief from these pains and even helps improve posture.

  1. Reduced Chance of Diabetes

People who possess a lot of fat are at risk of acquiring Diabetes. Fat contains fatty acids, which impedes the body’s ability to break down insulin. The fat removed during liposuction and breast reduction, can help reduce the chances of diabetes when paired with a proper diet and regular exercise.

  1. Improved Breathing and Oxygen Flow

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a “nose job” is procedure that can help improve oxygen flow. Patients usually report instant improvement in their breathing after undergoing Rhinoplasty.

  1. Improved Vision

Have you ever noticed how some people develop droopy eyelids as they age? Droopy eyelids impair vision drastically. Blepharoplasty, a procedure where the excess skin in the eyelids are removed, fixes this problem right away. In addition, Blepharoplasty can help alleviate dry eyes, too.

Whether it be for aesthetic purposes or to correct an unexpected deform, Plastic Surgery can change your overall health dramatically—physical, mental, and emotional health, to be exact. So if you’ve been thinking about it, but have been in doubt, we hope we helped you gain a better understanding of Plastic Surgery and how it can help you.

Here’s a complete list of Plastic Surgery procedures available at our clinics.

  • Rhinoplasty / nose surgery
  • Eyelid surgery
  • Derma Lifting
  • Brow lift
  • Facelift
  • Neck lift
  • Otoplasty
  • Dimple creation
  • Chin augmentation
  • Cheek augmentation
  • Gynecomastia surgery
  • Nipple / areola reduction
  • Breast augmentation /lift / reduction
  • Hyperhidrosis / axilla sweat surgery
  • Abdominoplasty / Tummy tuck
  • Body contouring liposuction
  • Buttocks augmentation
  • Abdominal etching
  • Fat grafting / transfer
  • Thigh lift
  • Non surgical facelift / threading
  • Vaginoplasty / labiaplasty
  • Hair transplant
  • Sclerotherapy
  • Botox
  • Reconstructive and Revisional
  • Scar revision
  • Burn complications
  • Breast reconstruction
  • Cleft lip and palate surgery
  • Skin crafting and flap surgery
  • Cosmetic surgery complications
  • Maxillofacial reconstruction

If you have more questions or concerns regarding Plastic Surgery, our Plastic Surgeons will gladly help you. Call our customer service team today at (02) 8637 9661/ 0919 081 9115 or email at customer.care@keralty.com.ph to schedule an appointment with them. 

Date Published

See an Ophthalmologist Today If You’ve Been Experiencing These 5 Symptoms

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When it comes to eye care, the specialty doctor who can help you is what we call an ophthalmologist. If you’re still unaware of what an ophthalmologist does, this article will help enlighten you and tell you when you will be needing their help.

What kind of doctors are ophthalmologists? Ophthalmologists are specialized medical doctors for eye and vision care. They are trained to diagnose, treat, and perform surgery for all kinds of eye diseases. For example, ophthalmologists can treat conditions such as glaucoma, a condition that damages your eye’s optic nerve, cataracts, the growth of cloudy areas in the lens of the eyes, and iritis, which is inflammation of the iris, among others. They can also perform plastic surgery, like raising droopy eyelids for better vision. Ophthalmologists possess training and knowledge to treat even the most complex eye conditions.

How do you know if you need to see an ophthalmologist? Here are some symptoms to look out for. If you’re experiencing any one of these, it’s time to see an ophthalmologist.

  1. Eye Pressure

This usually feels very much like a normal headache. But as time passes, you may feel some pressure at the back of your eyes, which can be an early sign of glaucoma.

  1. Seeing Halos

When you look at a light bulb, do you see a halo around it? If you are, this could be an early sign of cataracts.

  1. Tunnel Vision

As the name describes, this will feel similar to driving in a dark tunnel—you see a far light at the end, with darkness all around you. This may be an effect of several potential eye illnesses.

  1. Blurry Vision

Blurry vision is a common experience, especially when we tire out our eyes. You may feel this when you watch too much television or when you’ve been working on your computer for long hours. This means you need to rest. However, if you have blurry vision often and even if you’ve been able to rest, it might mean something else.

  1. Recurring Headaches

Just like blurry vision, recurring headaches can be an effect of tiredness, not only because of your eyes, but of the rest of the body, too. If getting rest doesn’t solve this, consider getting your eyes checked.

Are experiencing any one of these? If you are, you know what to do. See your doctor as soon as possible.

If you need help with eye care and want to schedule a check-up, give us a call so we can schedule an appointment with one of our in-house ophthalmologists at your most convenient date and time.

Here’s a full list of the eye care services we offer.

  • Vision Testing for APE

  • Dry Eyes Evaluation and Treatment

  • Diabetic Retinopathy Screening

  • Refraction and Cyclorefraction

  • Evaluation of Eye Redness

  • Treatment of Eye and Eyelid Infection

  • Glaucoma Screening and Treatment

  • Removal of Corneal/Conjunctival Foreign Body

  • Cataract Screening and Surgery

  • Pterygium Excision

…And more!

Get in touch with our customer service team now.

Call our Clinic contact number or email via customer.care@keralty.com.ph or drop by any of our clinics today.

  • Keralty Festival - Monday to Sunday 10:00AM - 4:00PM (0908-698-8286)

  • Keralty San Lazaro (TopHealth) -Monday to Saturday 11:00AM -2:00PM / Monday Wednesday Friday -3:00PM-600PM (0953-377-1587)

  • Keralty Megamall (MegaClinic) -Monday to Sunday 10:00AM-4:00PM (0917-868-2745)

Date Published

Staying healthy during the holidays

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During the holidays, factors such as the special dates, change of schedules, and the cold, cause our routines and diet to change. Some of these changes are: eating late, eating more caloric foods, sleeping less during the night, among others. The holidays might be a good time to have fun and relax, but it isn't exactly a season where we take good care of our health.

As we all know, there are many temptations in the holiday season, which makes it more difficult to take care of yourself and maintain good eating habits. Here we'll give you the keys to stay healthy during the holidays:

  • Stay hydrated: Your immune system needs you to be hydrated to stay healthy. The human body is made up of about 70% water, so it's no surprise that we need to be well hydrated to stay healthy. We must drink enough water so that the body can properly digest food, carry nutrients to our cells and get rid of substances it does not need.
  • Get plenty of rest: Not getting enough sleep can have negative effects on our physical and mental health. Make sure you get enough sleep and maintain a healthy sleep schedule to enjoy the benefits of a good night's sleep. People who sleep less at night are more likely to be obese, develop diabetes, or other diseases. The amount of sleep you need depends on several factors, including your age, lifestyle, and health. In adults it is recommended to sleep 7 to 8 hours a day.
  • Reduce stress: Stress and anxiety are common experiences for most people. The holiday season often brings stress, sadness, anxiety, and depression. You may be feeling additional stress because your holiday plans are going to be different as a result of the COVID19 pandemic. In addition, the holidays often present a myriad of demands such as preparing meals, doing shopping, baking, cleaning, and entertaining, to name just a few. And if the coronavirus disease is spreading in your community, it is very normal that you worry about the possibility of getting sick or unknowingly infecting a loved one during these dates. So, in order to keep stress under control, plan ahead, make time for yourself, take a break, accept your feelings, stick with your healthy habits, and seek professional help if you need it.
  • Eat healthy: Although during this time we allow ourselves to enjoy all the food we can eat, a healthy diet helps to protect us from malnutrition, as well as prevent diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol, among others. A correct, complete, and balanced diet allows our body to function normally. This way you will keep your immune system strong, improve your mood, have healthy skin, and improve your overall performance.
  • Boost your immune system: Boosting your immune system can give you a head start on staying healthy. Some tips to strengthen it are: exercise regularly, get enough sleep, watch your diet, try to minimize stress, drink plenty of water, limit alcohol, and avoid tobacco.
Date Published

New Moms, Here’s What You Can Do To Prepare For Your First Ultrasound Session

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New Moms, Here’s What You Can Do To Prepare For Your First Ultrasound Session

First of all, congratulations! You’re on your way to becoming a mom and you’ll soon have a little bundle of joy in your arms. You have an exciting and beautiful journey ahead!

Part of your journey into motherhood includes period visits to your OB-GYN for check-ups and tests that will ensure that you and your baby are safe up until the time of your delivery. One of the routine check-ups you will have are prenatal ultrasound sessions. In this article, we will talk about what you can do to prepare for your first ultrasound session as a new mom.

But before we dive right into it, let’s first define what a prenatal ultrasound is. A prenatal ultrasound is a test that uses high-frequency sound waves that are transmitted through the abdomen using a transducer to see what goes on inside the abdomen. The echoes that come back are transformed into video or photographic images that show your baby.

There are two kinds of ultrasounds, one, where the doctor places the main device onto your belly, and the second where a probe is inserted into the vaginal canal. This second type is called a transvaginal ultrasound. This is usually done during early stages of pregnancy to get a clearer picture of the ovaries or uterus and rule out any early problems with the pregnancy.

Whichever kind of ultrasound you’ll be having, you can do these simple steps to prepare.

  1. Drink 4-6 glasses of water before your turn.

Your doctor will ask you to fill your bladder because this help the doctor see your baby better. If you’re in line, start drinking up when it’s almost your turn. Don’t drink too early because you will be asked to refrain from urinating until your ultrasound is over. 

  1. Wear a two-piece outfit.

Wear a comfortable top and bottom so your doctor can easily access your abdomen without requesting you to remove your clothes. You can also choose comfortable clothes, the kind that you can easily move in so you don’t have a hard time, too.

  1. Eat your meals as you usually do.

Unless stated otherwise by your doctor, you may eat before your ultrasound. Follow your regular meal schedule. On the day of your ultrasound, you can decide whether or not to eat, based on the time of your appointment.

  1. Relax!

You don’t need to worry or be nervous either because your doctor will explain everything to you during your ultrasound.

There you have it! That’s all you need to do. Above all, relish every moment and every check-up because there’s nothing more fulfilling than blooming into the full essence of what it means to be a woman.

If you want to consult with an OB-GYN you can schedule your check-up now at https://keralty.com.ph/keralty-appointments 

Or if you wish to inquire about our ultrasound services, call (02) 8637 9661 or contact our Customer Care Department at customer.care@keralty.com.ph. 

Date Published

The blood sugar of COVID patients: the key that triggers mortality

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High blood glucose should be used to identify the subjects with a higher risk of suffering a poor evolution, according to a study that includes more than 11,000 Spanish patients.

In their daily fight against covid, doctors need more clues to deal with the flood of patients arriving at hospitals. Which ones are most at risk? How do you know who will evolve better or worse? The simplest data can be key in a disease that still has too many unknowns. In this search, a group of Spanish researchers have found a simple indicator but with tremendous predictive power : the blood sugar level.

Their study, published in the journal 'Annals of Medicine' , collects data on 11,312 patients from the first wave of the pandemic divided into three groups according to their level of glycemia (the concentration of free glucose in the blood) at the time of admission. : those with less than 140 mg / dl (milligrams per deciliter), those with between 140 and 180 mg / dl, and those that exceed 180 mg / dl. The differences are striking: while mortality among those with less sugar is 15.7%, it rises to 33.7% in the intermediate group and reaches 41.1% among those with hyperglycemia . The glucose level is also related to an increased need for mechanical ventilation and the risk of admission to the ICU.




The result has been obtained from the SEMI-COVID-19 Clinical Registry of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI), which includes data from thousands of patients from more than 200 hospitals in the country , and it is so clear that the researchers do not doubt in recommending measuring this parameter upon arrival of the patient at the hospital and, if it is high, acting to keep it at normal levels. In addition, they have verified that it is an independent risk factor that has nothing to do with age or other diseases, not even diabetes, because the problem is not that previous high levels of sugar increase the risk, but that the The virus triggers blood glucose levels and, in turn, this lack of control has detrimental effects on the evolution of COVID.

It is a powerful marker, early and easy to measure, " Francisco Javier Carrasco Sánchez, a specialist in Internal Medicine at the Juan Ramón Jiménez Hospital (Huelva) and main author of the work, highlights in statements to Teknautas. "From the beginning we began to see that patients with high blood glucose suffered more complications and that other investigations detected blood glucose levels that were bordering on abnormality," he says. For this reason, as coordinator of the Diabetes, Obesity and Nutrition Group of the SEMI, he proposed this research that now shows an increasing curve of severe cases and mortality as a function of sugar levels at the beginning of hospitalization, without this parameter being able to be influenced by subsequent treatments.


Why it happens

Researchers believe that high blood glucose is a consequence of the infection itself and that it can at least be explained by a couple of causes. The first would be specific to covid, since receptors abound in the pancreas that allow the coronavirus to anchor itself to cells and infect them . The pancreas is the organ that produces insulin, which in turn lowers the level of sugar in the blood. For this reason, when it is attacked by SARS-CoV-2, "it is as if the virus produces a kind of temporary diabetes," says Carrasco. In fact, it is already known that this also occurs with other coronaviruses, but "in this case, it is especially important and has been demonstrated in other basic research results," he adds.

The second cause coincides with other viral infections and pathological processes and has to do with inflammation. "It is a well-known fact in medicine that those patients with an acute illness or multiple trauma can have a sudden rise in blood sugar even though they are not diabetic, it is what is known as stress hyperglycemia ", explains Ricardo Gómez Huelgas, head of Internal Medicine of the Regional University Hospital of Malaga and president of the SEMI. In the case of covid, experts believe it could be related to a strong exposure to the virus or a poor response to the infection. "What he is telling us is that the body is facing a significant aggression and reacts with this rise in blood sugar," he highlights.


Health personnel attend to a patient in the ICU of the Hospital La Fe in Valencia. (EFE)


From a pathophysiological point of view, this response makes sense because sugar is the main fuel for cells, so in stressful situations the body has to ensure that there is enough energy available to deal with the aggression. The problem is that this reaction has counterproductive side effects , because a high blood glucose environment facilitates the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into cells. This phenomenon "is not related to contagion", clarifies Carrasco, "but, once a patient is infected, the fact of having a lot of sugar in the blood favors the invasion of the virus, causing the disease to be more aggressive". Specifically, it facilitates the anchoring of the virus on cell receptors.

In stressful situations, the body has to ensure that there is enough energy available to deal with the aggression.

This completes the circle that leads to disaster : the virus causes a rise in sugar, the rise in sugar causes more infection at the same time as an increase in the inflammatory response, and the most serious covid patients are characterized, precisely, by suffering an exaggerated inflammation. "We are talking about the fact that hyperglycemia may be a mechanism that worsens the inflammatory response of patients with covid, which is the one that ends up causing damage to the lung and other organs", highlights Gómez Huelgas. In diabetic patients, the infection raises an already high blood sugar level even more and therefore they start at a disadvantage. However, in healthy subjects, the infection itself causes that sugar rise above normal, so that they can suffer the same problem, as the study shows.


The utility for patients

This chain of effects explains the research results, which surprise even specialists. More than 20% of the patients included died and their blood glucose seems to be a determining factor : "The risk of death during hospital admission is almost tripled among those patients who have a blood sugar at admission greater than 180 compared to those who have it below 140 ", recalls the president of SEMI. The good news is that these results can be very useful.


A nurse from the Morales Meseguer Hospital in Murcia. (EFE)


As a result of this publication and with the previous data that already existed, doctors began to take into account the parameter of blood sugar in all covid patients, whereas previously only those who already had a history of diabetes were monitored : "We are beginning to sensitize ourselves", assures Carrasco, "in some centers there are already specific protocols, especially for the detection of blood glucose". In fact, Spanish internists prepare a specific document with recommendations.

"If a patient has high blood glucose at the time of hospitalization, this indicator is already telling us that the body is reacting badly to the aggression of the virus ", comments the expert, "so we can optimize its management and treatment in a very early ". In that sense, the first thing would be to try to control hyperglycemia itself, avoiding a more aggressive infection and exaggerated inflammation.

In fact, this study serves to complete other research that has already pointed out the importance of controlling blood sugar during hospitalization. Patients with highly variable levels, with many ups and downs during their admission, do worse than those who maintain blood glucose levels within acceptable parameters.

An elevated blood sugar level would be a marker of poor prognosis of COVID that would join others already known.

With all these data, an elevated blood sugar level would be a poor prognostic marker for covid that would join others already known, such as inflammatory markers (ferretin or C-reactive protein, for example) or thrombotic markers (D-dimer) . "We are working hard to develop formulas that can predict the risk of the patient once they are admitted to the hospital. Thus, we see that there are a series of clinical and analytical markers that allow us to predict with a high probability which patients are at high risk of developing complications. ", says Gómez Huelgas.

 In this case, the sugar level would be a new " simple and cheap indicator to stratify patients ." With this information, physicians can select the patients most at risk and anticipate available treatments, although currently they are limited to the use of corticosteroids for their anti-inflammatory effect and of heparin as an anticoagulant.

 The president of the SEMI believes that the investigation leaves three clear messages. The first would be for patients: "If you are diabetic, control sugar well because this can protect you," he advises. The other two are for doctors. In the first place, "we have to analyze the blood glucose of any patient who is admitted, because it will serve to mark their prognosis , along with other parameters," he highlights. And if the sugar is indeed high, "it is important to control it during hospitalization, avoiding both the highs and the lows." -  Jose Pichel

Visit https://keralty.com.ph/plans-and-deals/special-checkups for our special packages. 

Date Published

COVID-19 Tests: What’s the Difference?

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There are a range of COVID-19 tests available in the market. We discuss each type of test and how they can most benefit you.

Keralty COVID-19 Tests


You may have heard a lot about coronavirus testing lately. With a range of tests available in the market today, which one of these is the best to take for you, your family, or your company? Here, we differentiate the three types of COVID-19 tests.


Antibody Rapid Test

The rapid test measures the presence of antibodies in your blood versus SARS-Cov-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The test detects possible exposure to the coronavirus, possible recovery from the disease, or if you can potentially infect others.

The rapid test is also considered an antibody test because it seeks out antibodies produced by the immune system as a response to a threat. Antibodies may take weeks or months to develop after an infection, and may stay in your blood for several weeks. As a result, these types of tests must not be used to diagnose the presence of COVID-19 in your system.   


Antigen Test

Antigen tests detect certain proteins using nasal or throat swabs. It is able to diagnose an active coronavirus infection. Positive results from an antigen test are considered to be highly accurate, but the test does not completely rule out the coronavirus infection. To get the most precise readings, you need to acquire a swab test, or RT-PCR test.        


RT-PCR Test*

The RT-PCR (reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction)* test, using swabs for the nose or throat, detects if a person actually has the virus. This test will be recommended depending on the result of the individual's antibody or antigen test.  RT-PCR tests are the most accurate of the three, and typically do not need to be repeated.  


Get tested at Keralty

At Keralty, we understand the value of keeping safe and having peace of mind. We offer all three types of COVID-19 tests to better serve you, your family, and your organization. Visit https://keralty.com.ph/keralty-covid-19-rapid-test for more information on our tests.  


*We offer this test in partnership with a DOH-accredited third-party laboratory.

Keeping Fit and Healthy During the Quarantine

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Stay fit and healthy at home

By now, many of us are staying at home due to the government-mandated community quarantine. There are many ways we can pass the time at home aside from working, spending more time with family, or pursuing new interests.

One of the ways you can make the most of the quarantine is by investing in your health and well-being. Achieving overall wellness is important now more than ever. By eating the right food and maintaining a fitness routine, you can help strengthen your immune system and protect yourself from disease.

At Keralty, we remain committed to help you stay healthy during this season. Check out some of our live broadcasts developed in partnership with Decathlon Philippines:

Licensed nutritionist Mabelle Aban, RND recently held an informative Facebook Live discussion on the importance of food intake and proper nutrition during the quarantine. Ms. Aban shares the best foods that boost immune function and healthier alternatives to instant meals. If you missed her talk, watch it here:



Dr. Blitzen Espeleta, a licensed physiatrist, also shared a lecture on exercises and body conditioning. In the video, Dr. Espeleta discusses stretches and other activities we can do to maintain proper posture. Learn more below:



We’ve also partnered with 2Be Yoga for live yoga sessions every Thursday. Register here for access to the session.

Keralty Live Yoga with Loli


Date Published

Take preventive action against breast cancer

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Breast Cancer in the Philippines

Did you know that, according to the World health Organization (WHO), breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and one of the main causes of death?

Here in the Philippines and according to the DOH, being cancer the top cause of death, breast cancer account for 30% of cancer causes among women. 3 out of 100 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime.

There are several risk factor although is no known specific cause of breast cancer, but you can act to prevent it.

Healthy habits could also prevent breast cancer

The World Health Organization recommends simple healthy habits that could eventually have an impact in reducing the incidence of breast cancer, such as:

  • Exercise. Have an active lifestyle. Even if it is just a 30 minutes’ walk every day. You’ll feel better and, among many other benefits, it will help you prevent breast cancer.
  • Control your weight with a healthy diet reach in vegetables, fruits, whole grain nuts and legumes. Reduce the intake of fats choosing the healthy ones and choose fish over meat.
  • Reduce the intake of alcohol
  • Limit postmenopausal hormone therapy

A basic preventive routine for early detection of breast cancer: Screen yourself!

Early detection of any signs of breast cancer can make all the difference in prevention and treatment. This can be done easily with simple screening routines.

It is recommended to perform self-palpation / observation of the breasts in a regular way. No specific technique is required. This simple routine increases the chance to discovery any breast minor changes or abnormality such as the appearance of lumps. Whenever you notice any suspicious breast changes, seek medical attention.

Mammography for early detection of breast cancer

A mammography is a screening diagnostic and is a very important tool that doctors use for diagnosis and detection of breast cancer.

When is it time to have a mammography?

Women between 35 and 40 years old should have the first breast medical exam. This will be the basis for assessing breast conditions changes on future exams.

From 40 to 50 years the frequency of taking a mammography should be determined by the doctor. This frequency will depend on the patient's breast conditions and her personal and family medical history.

After age 50, it is recommended that the patient undergo a mammography annually.

When mammography is not recommended?

Mammography is not recommended If the patient is breastfeeding or pregnant, If the patient underwent a mammography examination that resulted in normal results, within 12 months or If the patient is under 35 years old and is not part of the breast cancer risk group.

Are you up to date with your health and preventive tests?

If you are already on age for breast cancer prevention, you can count on our OB-Gyn services at any of our clinics. Do not hesitate to contact us.

Date Published